Monday, October 18, 2010

Quick udpdate on today's progress

I was right about the Afterglow controller holding the info that I needed to get my adapter working properly. I was able to connect it to my PC to get the button order, and one hot minute later I was playing Lumines with a SNES controller and not fumbling for where the buttons were supposed to be. The hard part of all this is over. Tomorrow or the next day I'll implement the PS2 protocol over the working code and hopefully be able to show everyone a XIM working with my adapter on PS3 firmware 3.50.

And as if that isn't good enough, I've got a new project in mind that I think you'll all find quite intriguing. I'm not going to spill the beans just yet. but it's BIG.... REALLY REALLY BIG!


  1. Nick I think I'm your biggest fan ..I'm starting to weird myself out lol ..but yeh I'm excited to see what else you have in mind

    Hey I was reading about the XIM3 and the smart translation think that could ever be a possibility for the PS3?


  2. Maybe... I'm doing some research on that right now.
