Friday, October 22, 2010

Here's the video!

XIM working with PS3 and homebrew adapter from Nick Myers on Vimeo.

Well, the hard part of this particular project is done. There are still a few things that need to be ironed out, like easy firmware updates, but those should be relatively easy to get ironed out. I've also got a big decision to make. I'll make another post later today to discuss it, and I'll be looking for some feedback from you guys on which direction I should go.


  1. dude, very very nice.
    high five to your wife for helping.

    what can i study to help later?

  2. If you know anything about USB snooping or embedded USB hosts, then I could definitely use the help. Otherwise, keep cheering me on! I'm doing this for PS3 XIM'ers, and I like the positive feedback.

  3. looks good :) keep up the good work

  4. Well done!

    Is 180updates/s a maximum update frequency or is it possible to go even higher?

    What's the update frequency of the XIM? Is it able to run at such a rate?

    If you are looking for embedded usb host, I suggest you to have a look at this:

    It's possible to by a arduino usb host shield from circuitsathome, and you can even build it yourself as the manufacturer of the chip (maxim) is offering it as free samples.

  5. Typical updates per second with other adapters was between 60 and 65 with one that ran at 125. I believe that I can run it even faster, maybe up to 200 without any trouble. OBsIV says that the original xim was designed to run best at 62.5, though.
