Monday, October 25, 2010

Another quick update

Last week I began playing around with trying to get a USB host IC to talk to the XBox 360 controller. Despite my best efforts at the time, the communication was problematic at best. Last night I decided to play around with it some more, and I'm fairly certain that I've figured out what the problem was. However, the data is being sent over a UART, and that'll never work for the finished product. The next step is to get the host IC sending and reading data via it's parallel FIFO buffer, which brings me to my next piece of news.

I just ordered a 34 channel logic analyzer. I'd been thinking that I needed one for a while, and it became even more apparent while I was working out the Playstation controller's protocol. Working with micro-controllers without some way to debug what's happening is like running through the forest with a blindfold on.... chances are you're going to hit a tree! While I'm waiting for the logic analyzer, I'm going to try to work it out on my own, but this could be tricky. Regardless, I'm hoping to have FIFO working and talking to the XBox controller by the end of the weekend, after that it'll be a trivial to get it talking to the PS3.


  1. Keep at it! We are keeping our fingers crossed!

  2. I'm going to take the next day or two off while I'm waiting on my logic analyzer to get here.... maybe I'll actually play some PS3 instead of working on all this controller stuff LOL!
