Alright guys, I know that some of you are still patiently waiting for any new developments on the PS3 adapter project. Despite my best intentions, I've yet to get the PS3 home button working. Like I said in an earlier post, I know what needs to happen, but I just haven't sat down and taken the time to write the code. I'm not going to put a date on it, but I hope that I will find the time soon. I have also been trying to come up with a cost-effective way to create a X360->PS3 adapter so that us PS3 users could benefit from all the work that OBsIV has put into XIM3. The real roadblock deals with the kind of hardware required to do such a thing. Making an adapter that would translate PSX signals into USB was relatively simple once I finally got my head wrapped around how USB worked. Making an adapter that will act as a USB host that can parse the data from the Xbox 360 controller and then translate it into something the PS3 will understand requires quite a bit more hardware than the original project did. The good news is that I can re-use some of the code from the original project to make it happen. However, the hardware is all new to me and it will take a little time to learn all the ins and outs.... that, and I still haven't bought it yet.
Another thing that's been taking up a lot of my time is getting an iOS project lined out for where I work, and I'm really excited about it and all the possibilities that are taking shape with that project. Right now it's still in the planning phase, and I'll definitely be posting more about it later.